Channeling Personal

Continuing Changes

As I wrote last week, I recently gave myself the gift of spending some time away. Although this was mostly to give myself space for my ongoing healing journey, I also did some work on RiverEvolutions while I was gone.

I’ve blogged a couple of times in the past month or so about changes that are coming up for the business. When I’m in a time of change, sometimes I think I’ve gotten where I want to go, but then something else comes up. That’s proving to be the case as I refine and redefine what RiverEvolutions is and what I want to offer to the world.

More and more, I’m feeling drawn to channeling. This is something I’ve done in one way or another most of my life; my guides first came to me when I was a young child to help me cope with the trauma of my life at that time. While most of the channeling I did for the first thirty-plus years was for myself, at times my guides helped me help others as well.

In 2006, I learned how to actively channel my primary guide, a being of light called Shiva, and offered channeling sessions to others. This went on hold after I separated from my children’s father, but I continued channeling for myself, and my guides definitely collaborated with me on the books and stories I wrote over the next decade or so.

I launched RiverEvolutions (under the name River Flow Healing) in 2016, but was reluctant to offer channeling as a service because part of my “shadow” is fear of what others will think or say to or about me. What if they thought I was crazy? What if I did it wrong? Although I did offer relayed channeling (or “guided reading”) sessions for a few months at a local shop, I held back from going all-in with channeling.

In 2019, I chose to go all-in…but the interest from clients wasn’t there. I believe this is partly due to people not completely understanding what channeling is–and my probably not explaining it clearly enough on my website–but more due to my continued fears of “What if they think I’m crazy?”

In summer of 2020, I started posting on Facebook daily messages I channel from Shiva. I’ve worked more with channeling over the past year or so, both rebuilding my skills and building my confidence in it. I’ve also been rebuilding and reclaiming the joy I find in doing it.

After doing some considering and other work about the business during my time away, I’ve realized that channeling definitely needs to continue to be part of it, but on a bigger level than before. Channeling isn’t intended to give people all the answers; instead, it gives you guidance to find the answers within yourself and to trust your intuition. I’m offering channeling sessions to people who want this guidance for their lives, and Shiva and I are also working on providing targeted guidance for people who want to improve their businesses. These sessions are available now; please visit the “Evolve Your Life” or “Evolve Your Business” page for more information. 

Over the next several months/years, I’ll also be publishing some channeled materials. The first is a compilation of the first few months of daily channeled messages, rearranged into sections by topic. My target date for having this available is May 11, 2021; stay tuned for more information on that.