Energy Healing

What Imbalances Energy?

Last week, I listed some possible signs that your energy system may be out of balance. A number of things can cause that to happen. Our energy system, physical body, and mental/emotional state are all intertwined, so what affects one can affect the others. Here are a few things that might cause an energetic imbalance.

  1. Physical illness or injury. If something has affected your physical body, it has also had an impact on your energy system. The most common result I’ve found from physical illnesses and, especially, injuries is one or more holes in the energy field. The first step to treating an illness or injury should always be to consult a medical professional if it’s serious enough, or at least to treat the illness or injury the way you usually would (for example, putting ointment and a bandage on a cut). But treating the physical component doesn’t always help the energetic component get back into balance.
  2. Emotional “injury.” Again, what affects you mentally or emotionally also affects you energetically. Something as seemingly minor as being called a name on the playground as a child can have a long-lasting impact on your energy system, including possibly blocks in the energy field and/or one or more chakras. If you are struggling mentally or emotionally, consult a medical or mental health professional first.
  3. Stress. You probably already know what stress can do to your body and mind. It can also, as a friend of mine puts it, “wonk up your energy system.”
  4. Poor self-care or health habits. Not giving yourself time to rest or to get enough sleep. Not allowing time to connect with family or friends in positive ways. Pushing yourself too hard at work or in your personal life. Not eating in healthy ways, or exercising. (Before making any changes in eating or exercise habits, it may be wise to check in with your doctor, particularly if you have health diagnoses.) Any of these things can cause you to get run down physically or mentally, and therefore energetically.
  5. Suppressing your emotions. Too many of us are taught not to express how we feel, at least not when those feelings are negative. Anger is the most common one we’re told to stuff down and hide, but some of us are also taught not to show when we’re sad, bored, etc. Burying those emotions doesn’t make them go away; it causes them to build up and grow stronger, and that causes problems for us energetically and in other ways.
  6. External factors. Particularly for those of us who are empathic, what’s going on around us, both in our immediate environment and the world as a whole, can have a strong impact.

There are other things that may also cause our energy systems to go out of balance, but these are the most common. If you feel that your physical or mental health might be a factor, please consult a professional; energy healing is not a substitute for medical or mental health treatment.

However, energy healing can help rebalance your energy system once physical and mental factors have been addressed. I have openings for new Chios clients, and I would love to help you get back into balance. Visit my Chios Energy Healing page for more information.