Energy Healing

Getting In Balance

As I’ve mentioned in the past few weeks’ posts, there are a number of signs that your energy system might be out of balance, and a number of ways that might happen. There are also plenty of potential benefits to bringing your energy back into balance. But how can you do that?

The most effective way to rebalance your energy system and maintain that balance, once you’ve treated any physical or mental causes, is to have regular energy healing sessions with a skilled practitioner. But there are also things you can do on your own that will help.

  1. Rest. Our society is often focused on do, do, do, and achieve, achieve, achieve. We push ourselves to and past our limits. Parents not only deal with their jobs and other obligations and commitments, but also put themselves in the position of straining their resources for their children’s sake. Although “taking time to rest” might feel impossible, it’s important. A car can’t run on an empty gas tank.
  2. Put time and focus into your health. See your health care professional(s) regularly. If you have health concerns, seek treatment instead of letting the concerns linger and grow. Be mindful of what and how much you eat. If possible, and with your doctor’s guidance if necessary, make sure you have some sort of physical activity on a regular basis.
  3. Meditate. Even five minutes of sitting alone quietly with your eyes closed can be of benefit.
  4. Create or stay connected to a spiritual practice, if this feels right for you. “Spiritual” can mean something as simple as observing a tree; it doesn’t have to be religious or connected to a deity. Spiritual practice has different meanings for different people, so go with what works for you.
  5. Do things that cause you to feel happy or positive. This might even include doing something that you enjoyed as a child, like coloring or blowing bubbles. Anything that boosts your mood will help you energetically and in other ways.

And of course, treating yourself to an energy healing session will help. I’m open to new clients now; see my Chios Energy Healing page for more information.