Energy Healing

Six Signs of Energetic Imbalance

Energy is a tricky thing. We talk about feeling low-energy or high-energy. Some of us say things like “Their energy just didn’t feel right.” But we don’t always realize the effects our lives have on our energy systems, or that our energy systems have on our lives.

Each person’s energy system is a delicate balance of flow. Too much flow, and people might feel overwhelmed or out of control. Too little, and people might feel exhausted or angry without knowing why. And it doesn’t take much to imbalance that flow.

Next week, I’ll talk a little about some of the things that might cause energetic imbalance. But first, let’s look at some signs that your energy might be out of balance.

  1. You feel “off,” but can’t express any more specifically what that means. You just don’t feel right physically or emotionally. You aren’t sick; it just feels like you aren’t quite in step with the world.
  2. You’re experiencing pain in part of your body. To be clear, if you’re experiencing any physical pain, the first thing to do is talk to a medical professional to rule out any physical causes. Energy doesn’t do everything, and energy healing is not a substitute for medical treatment! But, for example, if you have a dull ache in your throat, you have no physical illness (like a cold), and you’ve seen a doctor to rule out other possible causes, it may be that your throat chakra is blocked. A headache that isn’t related to a physical illness might be a sign that your third eye chakra is overactive Again, check for the physical causes first!
  3. Things that usually don’t faze you are stressing you TF out. No amount of deep breaths or meditation or whatever tool you usually use helps. Stress seems to want to be your new best friend, and it takes very little to set it off.
  4. You’re exhausted. It feels like every step you take is through quicksand. All you want to do in the evenings is hide under the covers and sleep. This is another case where seeing a medical professional to rule out other causes first is important. Exhaustion can be caused by physical or mental illness, and you’ll want to be certain that isn’t what’s going on before you decide it’s an energy thing.
  5. Your emotions aren’t cooperating. Your emotional responses to certain things are more intense, or less intense, than usual. You feel frustrated when you would usually feel happy. I can’t stress this enough: Talk to a medical or mental health professional to rule out other causes first. But this can definitely be due to an energetic imbalance.
  6. Your instincts are telling you your energy system is out of balance. You know you better than anyone else does. If you strongly feel there’s an energetic imbalance, there probably is. Trust yourself.

There are other things that might indicate an imbalanced energy system, but these are the most prominent signs I’ve seen. Always check in with yourself to assess how you’re feeling, and always check in with a medical professional if you’re concerned or have physical symptoms. But energy is intertwined with physical and mental health, so even when there is a medical cause and you’re receiving medical treatment, something energetic could also be going on. It’s worth finding out.

If you’re wondering whether your energy system might be out of balance, schedule a Chios session with me! All sessions begin with a 15-minute consultation during which I will tell you honestly whether you’re dealing with imbalances and whether I think you should consult a doctor as well. Visit my Chios Energy Healing page for more information and to schedule a session!