
How to Know It’s Intuition

I published this article in my biweekly newsletter and decided to share it here as well, because I get a lot of questions about how to know whether it’s your intuition steering you or your fear trying to block you. When it comes to listening to my intuition and my Core Self, I have to really stop and think. Is this true intuition? Or are my fears masquerading as intuition? Here are eight ways to…

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Intuition: Right or Wrong?

You’re trying to make a decision. You know what the options are, but not which is best for you. In the deeper part of your mind, and perhaps in your body, you feel that one option is more beneficial than the others. You know, without having to think about it, that this is the choice you need to make. But then the thoughts take over. What if you’re wrong? What if that choice doesn’t bring…

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What Is Intuition?

I talk/write quite a bit about listening to your intuition. It occurred to me that I don’t think I’ve ever really explained what I believe intuition is. One definition of intuition is “a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.” It’s a deeper knowing than conscious thought. Sometimes it’s even a *feeling* on a deep, physical and mental level rather than just a thought. All of us have…

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Meeting Your Guides

Everyone has guides. These beings of higher energetic vibration are with us from the moment of our birth, and often even in previous lifetimes. But many humans are unaware that they have guides or know they have them but aren’t able to consciously speak and work with them. I’ve been speaking and working with my guides since I was two years old, though obviously at that age I didn’t know they were guides. I thought…

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Use Your Discernment

From “The noun discernment describes a wise way of judging between things, or a particularly perceptive way of seeing things.” As humans, we judge things–and each other, unfortunately–all the time. But for some reason when it comes to receiving readings, channeled messages, etc., some of us suspend judgment and just go with whatever the practitioner says, even if it doesn’t feel right to us. Just because someone is a practitioner, and no matter how…

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Channeling Personal

Ten Out of Ten Guides Agree…

Not that I’ve polled guides. That would be a lot of work, especially since I generally only talk to my own. Lately, I’ve read a few books that either are channeled material or include some channeling along with what was written by the human author. One thing that has struck me is how many times I’ve read part of the channeled material and said, “Hey, my guides say this exact same thing!” It’s interesting to…

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When I Learned Channeling…

In 2006, my close friend and mentor, who had been teaching me energy healing, started teaching me about channeling. I’d never heard of it before, and I didn’t really know what to expect when my friend offered me a channeling session with his guide. For starters, I didn’t know what a “guide” was, so I asked for my friend to explain. Basically, he told me, every human has certain beings that work with them to…

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General Personal

Speaking Through Fear

I’ve been working and learning to be better about speaking my truth. Speaking up for what I believe, and expressing who I am and what I stand for. What I didn’t take into account is how scary that actually can be. I knew *I* was scared to do it, but chalked up the fear to all the time I spent in environments where speaking up was literally unsafe for me. What I’d forgotten is that…

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In Hiding

NOTE: This is a revised version of a post that originally appeared on this blog in 2017. I am choosing to share it again because it is relevant to a situation I’m living through now, and because I’ve made strides in this area that I wanted to share. “Living your truth” is a big thing in the coaching field. Every coach I follow has said it at one time or another, and I definitely have…

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