
So… What’s This Channeling Thing?

When I tell people I’m a channel or that I practice channeling, sometimes I get questions. Some people have never heard of channeling, or have heard of it but aren’t quite sure what it is. Channeling, basically, is a process in which a human connects with a being of higher energetic vibration, such as a spirit guide or being of light, to receive wisdom, guidance, and compassion. The term “channeling” covers anything from having an…

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Trance Channeling–An Inside View

In the years since I learned channeling, I’ve practiced two types: relayed and trance. Relayed channeling is pretty easy to explain and describe. I sit with my client, listen to their questions, and listen to the answers my guide Shiva gives. Then I pass those answers along to the client in Shiva’s words, or as close as I can get, and give clarification when asked. Trance channeling is harder to describe, both from the perspective…

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