
Study Update

Several weeks ago, I blogged here about some things I intended to study. I also said that periodically, I would share a bit about what I’ve been studying. So that’s what I chose to do for this week’s post. I’m progressing in my courses through the University of Metaphysical Sciences. My ultimate goal is to earn a Doctorate through them, most likely in spiritual counseling. For now, I’m working through their Bachelor’s program. I have…

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General Personal


I love to learn things. Learning has always been something I enjoyed, though only under certain circumstances. Most of the “learning” we were required to do in school didn’t appeal to me, because it seemed arbitrary and I was only learning those things because someone else told me to. But learning things on my own, following my own interests and intuition, always appealed. Partly for my own benefit and partly because I want to build…

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Energy Healing

How to Learn Energy Healing

If you’re interested in learning energy healing, hopefully you’ve done some research as to the different modalities that exist. If you haven’t, I strongly suggest you do. There are a number of different types of energy healing, and what works and resonates for one person might not work or resonate for someone else. Don’t choose instruction in any specific modality solely because it’s the one you’ve heard of. Do some online reading. Ask people you…

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A Story You Tell Yourself Energy Healing Personal


At Rites of Spring this year, I did a Level 1 Chios(R) Energy Healing workshop, as I mentioned a week or so ago. It was a great experience. I really enjoyed working with the eight students who attended. I felt confident about my teaching, and liked seeing the students understanding the concepts and feeling the energy flow for themselves. That reminded me of how much I used to love teaching. I was a certified special…

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