Energy Healing

The Vibrational Cycle

Last week, I talked about energetic vibration and how raising it can help you create a more positive reality for yourself. Energetic vibration doesn’t change on its own. A lot of factors contribute to the health of your energy system, and to your physical and mental health. And they’re all intertwined.

One of the biggest things that can contribute to having a lower vibration is having a depleted or imbalanced energy system. If your chakras are blocked or energy isn’t flowing through them properly, your vibration will be lower. If there are holes in your energy field through which energy is leaking out, you’ll feel run-down, which might lead to you feeling cranky and snapping at people, which will lower your vibration.

Everything works together. You don’t exist in a vacuum, and neither do your energy system, physical and physiological systems, and your mind and emotions. As you go through your day, you’ll encounter and be affected by other humans.

For example, you’re driving to work. Other drivers are on the road. One of those drivers changes lanes suddenly, cutting you off, so you have to slam on your brakes.

If you’re already operating with a depleted or damaged energy system, you’re likely feeling tired and unwell. You’re putting your reserves into getting through the day, so you don’t have anything left over to keep you from losing your temper with the guy who just cut you off.

Adrenaline courses through you, likely along with stress hormones like cortisol, due to the sudden danger of a potential collision. You start yelling and pounding the steering wheel with your fist. Your chest hurts from the sudden tightening of the seat belt when you hit your brakes. People behind you are honking, which just raises your temper even further. How dare they be pissed off at you, when the dipstick in front of you was the one who caused the problem?

On an energetic level, small holes start forming in the energy field around your fist and chest. Your third chakra, which governs emotions, was probably already out of balance, and it goes even further out of balance as you yell and swear. With the rush of adrenaline, your sacral chakra also has gone out of balance. Your head starts aching, with additional damage and effects on your third eye chakra and the energy field around it.

The immediate situation calms down. The dipstick driver has already gone on their merry way, unaware of the issues they caused. This causes you to feel angrier, but you accept you can’t do anything about it. The rush of hormones settles. You take a few deep breaths, stop yelling, and continue on your drive to work.

But all day, you keep thinking about the driver who cut you off, and each time you think about them, your anger rises again. Your headache doesn’t let up, which leads to you feeling more frustrated and impatient than usual with your job or coworkers. By the end of the day, you’re exhausted, you’re pissed off, and all you want to do is go home and hide, except that you have to get through the traffic first, and then you have to deal with whomever you share your home with before you can actually relax.

Quite likely, meanwhile, things have continued going wrong with your day, and each additional piece of stress leaves you feeling angrier, which leaves you feeling more physically run down, which leads to difficulty focusing or handling situations in your job, which leads to even more things going wrong.

Your vibration was already low because general day-to-day stress, lack of attention to your own well-being, forgoing self-care and rest, and other things depleted and unbalanced your energy system. In turn, this affected your physical health and well-being, which affected your ability to manage your emotions effectively. Losing your temper affected you physically and energetically, which impacts your health, which impacts your ability to manage emotions effectively, and round and round it goes. And the lower your vibration goes, the more things that further lower your vibration occur.

To raise your vibration, you need to break the cycle. In the moment, immediately after the driver cuts you off in traffic, it isn’t easy to do this, but you can start by trying to take the deep breaths instead of yelling and swearing. Pull to the side of the road, if you can, and close your eyes for a moment. Say, out loud if you can, “I intend to raise my vibration to higher and higher levels”; it might feel odd, but just stating the intention starts the process.

In the longer term, you can raise your vibration on a more permanent level by having regular energy healing sessions. Just as you need to see your doctor regularly to keep your body functioning at optimal levels, seeing an energy healing practitioner regularly keeps your energy system in balance, and can repair energetic damage and wear and tear before it leads to depletion.

Just as a lower vibration can lead to more things going wrong, a higher vibration can lead to more things going right. You’re putting out positive, healthy energy, which brings positive things to you. Your healthier energy system leads to a healthier mind and body, each of which leads to further health overall.
Find ways to raise your vibration, whether through meditating, spending time in activities that bring you joy, or even daily stating of “I intend to raise my vibration to higher and higher levels. Keep your physical and mental health in good shape through self-care, attention to your basic needs, and regular medical and, if needed, psychological care. And keep your energetic health in good shape through regular energy healing sessions.

I offer Chios Energy Healing sessions in person or by distance, and would love to work with you on raising your vibration and maintaining your energetic health. Visit the Chios Energy Healing page for more information.