
Approaching the New Year

It’s almost 2018!





In 2017, I didn’t accomplish all the goals I set, and now it’s too late. But that doesn’t mean it’s too late to accomplish those goals at all. Only too late to accomplish them in 2017.

2018 is a whole new year, and I’m looking forward to it. I’ve set some goals, and am on the way to meeting some of them already. But I’m also keeping in mind that the goals might change along the way, and that’s okay. I can’t predict the future. I can say now that these things are what I want to do, and this destination is where I want to go, in the coming year, but in, say, March, or August, or even next December, I might change my mind.

That isn’t to say I’m going to change my mind about working toward goals. But I might change my mind about what some of those goals are, or what the best ways are to get there.

Many people at this time of year start setting goals or resolutions for the new year. The problem is that some of us get hung up on “having to” meet those goals. We forget that change can always happen. Something might change in our lives that leaves us unable to meet a goal, or we might change course in our personal life or career. Or we might simply decide that something no longer serves us. And all of that is okay.

If you’re setting goals for 2018, consider including a goal to revisit your goals periodically. I plan to do mine quarterly. Set aside time at least a few times this year to look at the goals you’ve set, see how much you’ve accomplished, and see if any goals are ready to be removed, either because you’ve met them or because they’re no longer on the path you want to follow. Remember that nothing is set in stone in our lives, and that includes the goals we set.

Next week, I’ll share a few of my 2018 goals.