
Breathing New Life

I haven’t posted a blog on here in longer than I care to think about. For that matter, I haven’t done much work on River Flow Healing or any other business aspects.

Life tends to throw monkey wrenches and curve balls when we least expect it. Last year, I thought I was on the right track with this business. I had plans and ideas. I was going to do things the way businesspeople do things.

Except it didn’t work out that way. My plans and ideas weren’t fully formed and didn’t have sufficient structure for me to actually put them into practice. That led to me feeling discouraged and overwhelmed, which led to less ability to effectively plan and structure and implement. While I was wading through that, some situations arose in my personal life that required a lot of my time and energy, and I didn’t have any left over for River Flow.

It’s been several months. I’ve gotten through the personal situations, and conversation with business coaches and others have given me clarity about what this business is actually intended to be. I know where I am, and I’m pretty sure I know where I’m going, though I’m leaving room for more monkey wrenches and curve balls just in case.

So this is the inaugural blog post for the new and hopefully improved River Flow Healing. Stay tuned every Monday for further developments and thoughts.