
Contemplating Change

In looking at past blog posts, I realize that several of them are about changes I’m making in my life and in RiverEvolutions.

That isn’t a bad thing. Change happens; as my guides are fond of saying, change is one of the only true constants in the Universe.

Yesterday was my birthday. I’ve been in Florida for the past few weeks, partly on vacation but mostly on a sort of retreat to get a clearer picture of who I am and what I want to and am meant to do in the world.

The one thing that has become increasingly the most clear to me is that I am a channel. A huge part of my role is to use my connection with the high-vibration beings with whom I work to bring guidance, compassion, and understanding to others. This is work I’ve done, whether intentionally or not, most of my life; my guides first came to me when I was about two years old. But it’s work I’ve been shy/scared to talk about most of that time.

It’s time to stop being scared, though. I’m here to help people gain clarity and receive compassion, and to help bring balance to the world–in fact, the Universe–as a whole. I’m not here to hide or pretend I don’t do the things I do.

I am still offering Chios energy healing sessions and instruction. I’m still offering consulting for spiritually-based practitioners who want to be more trauma-sensitive or gender-inclusive. But even those things include some channeling, because it’s almost impossible for me to do any type of work–including writing this blog post–without some collaboration with and input from my guides.

I also offer channeling sessions privately over Zoom (or, soon, in person for those in my geographic area), and I offer group channeling, also over Zoom, once a month in which you and up to 4 others will spend about an hour with my guide Shiva and me. The next group channeling is July 14; check out the Facebook event or email me at river @ riverevolutions .com (no spaces) for more info!

I’ll also be releasing additional books of channeled material over the coming months (and probably years) and offering other opportunities to work with me directly or receive guidance indirectly from my guides and me. So stay tuned!

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