Channeling Personal

Ten Out of Ten Guides Agree…

Not that I’ve polled guides. That would be a lot of work, especially since I generally only talk to my own. Lately, I’ve read a few books that either are channeled material or include some channeling along with what was written by the human author. One thing that has struck me is how many times I’ve read part of the channeled material and said, “Hey, my guides say this exact same thing!” It’s interesting to…

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When I Learned Channeling…

In 2006, my close friend and mentor, who had been teaching me energy healing, started teaching me about channeling. I’d never heard of it before, and I didn’t really know what to expect when my friend offered me a channeling session with his guide. For starters, I didn’t know what a “guide” was, so I asked for my friend to explain. Basically, he told me, every human has certain beings that work with them to…

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New Look!

I’m excited to show off the website’s new look! I’ve spent a good bit of time trying to feel out why the site as it was didn’t quite work for me, and over the weekend I finally dove headfirst into my intuition and redid things in a way that feels more authentic and more… er…words… let’s go with flowy. I hope you like it! Please take a look around and leave a comment letting me…

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Understanding Trauma

Heal In Your Own Time

Last week, I wrote about how trauma is an individualized thing. No two people have exactly the same experiences, and no two people will respond or react to similar experiences in the same way. Just as how one reacts to trauma and whether one is traumatized by an experience is individual, so is the healing journey. How–and whether–someone heals from trauma depends on a number of factors. How old they are when the experience occurs.…

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Understanding Trauma

My Trauma Isn’t Your Trauma

In discussing trauma and how it impacts people, one thing I’ve seen overlooked repeatedly is the fact that not everyone is traumatized by the same things. I’ve actually been told my traumatic experiences weren’t traumatic because “that wouldn’t have traumatized me, so it isn’t a traumatic thing.” That’s not how that works. That’s not how any of it works. There are a lot of variables behind how an experience effects someone and whether those effects…

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Understanding Trauma

Advocate for Your Needs

NOTE: This was originally a post on my personal Facebook profile. It fits what I’m discussing in this month’s blog posts, so I chose to share it here. Trauma rewires the brain. This has been shown scientifically. When you experience trauma, especially long-term trauma, the basic functioning of your brain is altered. This leads to things like constantly feeling like you’re “on red alert,” because your brain has become wired to read danger signals where…

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Understanding Trauma

What is Trauma?

As a trauma survivor, I’ve encountered many people who think trauma is just a matter of “holding onto the past” or “not getting over something.” They believe trauma is just an emotional reaction that someone can choose or not, and that people who live with post-traumatic stress or other issues related to their trauma are choosing not to get better. These beliefs can be incredibly harmful to trauma survivors–and they are incorrect. Trauma is caused…

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How Channeling Works for Me

Quite well, actually. Okay, I’m being a bit of a wise guy. If you know me, you know that’s not unusual. Fortunately for me, my guides also know I can be a wise guy sometimes, and they have no problem with it. Some of them give me wiseassery right back. That’s part of how channeling works for me. I’ve been connected with my guides since I was a very young child, at which time they…

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