
What Can Channeling Do?

Channeling is a process in which a human connects with a being of higher energetic vibration to receive wisdom, guidance, and compassion. It can be something as simple as having a mental conversation with that being, or as complex as entering a trance state to allow the being’s energy to enter your body and speak through you. Some people channel only for themselves. They’ve connected with their guides–the beings of higher vibration with whom they…

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Channeling General

Now Available: Messages from Shiva!

My first book of channeled material, Messages from Shiva, vol. 1, is now available on Amazon! The book is available for Kindle, and the print version will be available soon! Since August 2020, I’ve channeled daily messages from my guide Shiva and have posted them on Facebook. In fall 2020, I realized I needed to create at least one book of those messages. I compiled a few months’ worth and arranged them by theme and…

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Channeling General

My Book Releases Tuesday!

There’s less than a week to go until the official release date of my book Messages from Shiva, vol. 1! I’m really looking forward to having this available to people. It’s been a work of love and joy for me, as have the daily channeled messages I post on Facebook, which is how this book originated. The book will be available in Kindle and print formats through Amazon. The Kindle version is available now for…

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The Point of Channeling

In last week’s post, I explained a little about what channeling is. This week, I wanted to talk about what the *point* of channeling is. Channeling is part of a spiritual path both for the human channel and for the being they channel. It’s intended as connection and as a tool for learning, growth, and sometimes healing. When you are connected with your guides, whether you channel simply by having conversations with them or channel…

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So… What’s This Channeling Thing?

When I tell people I’m a channel or that I practice channeling, sometimes I get questions. Some people have never heard of channeling, or have heard of it but aren’t quite sure what it is. Channeling, basically, is a process in which a human connects with a being of higher energetic vibration, such as a spirit guide or being of light, to receive wisdom, guidance, and compassion. The term “channeling” covers anything from having an…

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Who Are Guides?

As I talked about in last week’s post, I was taught that the term “guide” applies specifically to a being who is connected to and works with an individual human in a mutual path of spiritual growth and development. This being might collaborate with the human to bring messages to others, but the being works directly with that individual. There are other types of beings who communicate with a broader range of humans, and some…

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What Is a Guide?

In the Universe, we are far from the only sentient beings who exist. Humans actually are a very small percentage of all the consciousnesses in the Universe, and we’re only aware of the existence of a few of the other types of beings. Many of those beings are aware of us. Some of them are curious about humans, or intrigued by us, or simply want to observe and see what we do. They don’t choose…

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Channeling Personal

Continuing Changes

As I wrote last week, I recently gave myself the gift of spending some time away. Although this was mostly to give myself space for my ongoing healing journey, I also did some work on RiverEvolutions while I was gone. I’ve blogged a couple of times in the past month or so about changes that are coming up for the business. When I’m in a time of change, sometimes I think I’ve gotten where I…

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Life Changes Personal

Give Yourself Space

When you’re on a journey to heal from past trauma, sometimes your present environment interferes. Maybe you feel uncomfortable in your home because of the noise around you, or you live with someone who doesn’t respect or doesn’t understand your need for boundaries and privacy. Maybe something in your current environment reminds you of your past, or even is the same environment in which the trauma occurred. I met and married my current husband while…

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General Personal

Why Change?

In last week’s post, I discussed some changes and additions I’m planning for RiverEvolutions over the coming year. But why do I feel the need to change things? There are several reasons. First, and maybe logically given the type of business I’m in, I operate partly by intuition. What feels right for me? What do I feel most called to do? If services I’m offering no longer resonate for me, I’m not bringing myself or…

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