
Ultimate Blog Challenge

For the month of January, I’m participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. In this challenge, I have to blog every day this month.

I’m hoping I won’t run out of things to blog about!

I’m a transformational coach and speaker, as well as an author published under the pen names Jo Ramsey (young adult fiction) and Karenna Colcroft (romantic fiction). I’m new to speaking and coaching, but so far I’m enjoying the process of building the career and meeting new people along the way.

Including the people who stop by this blog this month!

I’ve been writing stories since I was five, and was first published in 2002. The first publication under one of the pen names was in 2009. At one time, I had over 80 novels, novellas, and short stories available! Due to some publishers closing, and some contracts running out, I have 16 books available now.

If you’re curious about me, please feel free to post questions in the comments.

4 thoughts on “Ultimate Blog Challenge”

  1. As a transformational coach and speaker AND an author, I am sure you will have plenty of things to write about!

    And don’t forget – you will get an email with suggestions each day.

    Thanks for joining us in the Ultimate Blog Challenge!

  2. Visit from UBC. 🙂 Considering your skills as an author this challenge should be a walk in the park for yo.!
    My mother is also a writer. She is Swedish though.

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