
Change Is Coming

As a business owner, periodically I revisit what I offer and compare it with what I’m feeling called to do. Sometimes they still match. Sometimes, I need to make some changes. For almost five years, I have been offering energy healing sessions. Until last year, I was also offering energy healing instruction, which I suspended when I recognized some flaws in how I was providing the instruction and in how I chose which students to…

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Energy Healing

Stored In Your Energy

The mind, body, and energy are all intertwined. Anything that affects one of these affects all of them. And those effects can be stored for years or decades, particularly for those who don’t receive treatment. Studies have shown that when someone experiences trauma, the brain is altered by defense mechanisms and the need to survive the trauma. These changes linger; someone who experienced trauma in childhood may live their entire life with a brain that…

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Energy Healing

A RiverEvolutions Healing Session

People have asked me what an energy healing session with me is like. I practice a form of energy healing called Chios. This modality includes techniques for repairing, clearing, and restoring the chakras and energy field. Sometimes this brings up incidents or impressions from the past that the client has buried or forgotten, and that can be intense. So I always let clients know up front that it’s possible for them to have this experience,…

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Energy Healing

Why I Learned Chios

Chios is a form of energy healing that includes specific techniques for balancing the chakras, clearing the energy field, and repairing energetic damage caused by past physical and emotional experiences. In 2005, I was in an abusive marriage and was beginning to uncover memories of traumatic experiences I’d had as a child. Trying to navigate these things while raising two children was difficult. I needed clarity. I needed help. I met and became close friends…

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Energy Healing

Everything Is Intertwined

The thing about energy, your mind, and your body is that they’re all interconnected. Anything that affects one affects all three. For example, let’s say you’re a child on the playground, and someone knocks you down. You skin your knee. You have a physical injury. But you also have an emotional injury. Someone knocked you down, and that hurt you. Maybe they did it on purpose, or you don’t know whether it was intentional or…

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Energy Healing

Energy and Balance

The basic idea of energy healing is to support physical, mental, and emotional healing through removing what I call the energetic “sludge” of your past experiences and clearing your energy field, clearing the system, so that healing and positivity can happen. Now, I don’t believe in “only positive energy.” That isn’t realistic or possible. But when your system is bogged down by negative energy, you get stuck in a place where your past is impacting…

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General Life Changes

Looking Ahead to 2021

Happy New Year! 2020 has definitely been one heck of a ride. At this time last year, I sat here making plans for expanding RiverEvolutions, for services and workshops I wanted to offer and for how to bring more visibility to what I do. And then there was a pandemic. Instead of being a year of attracting more clients, 2020 was a year of attracting fewer. But it was also a year of taking better…

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Gender Inclusivity

I wanted to share this awesome interview I recently had with Lisa Marie Grantham about why it’s important to use gender-inclusive language, and some easy ways to be gender-inclusive.   For those who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas. Since Christmas is a holiday I celebrate at this time of year (along with Yule), I’m taking today off from blogging. I hope everyone has/had/will have a positive holiday season.

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How I Do Oracle Card Readings

Oracle card readings, using my exclusive Seascapes Oracle deck, are one of the tools I offer to clients who are seeking to create and evolve into their best lives. These readings provide guidance and insight about the client’s life, or about specific issues or questions they have. A number of practitioners offer oracle readings, and there are a number of ways to do a reading. I wanted to share how I do mine. Right now,…

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What Are Oracle Readings For?

Oracle cards are a tool for receiving guidance and insight about your life. These cards include messages that give you encouragement or information about situations in your life, including things about yourself that might be holding you back. When you’re figuring out the next steps in your life, sometimes it’s difficult to figure out what will be in your best interests and highest benefit. We sometimes have trouble seeing this because of mindset issues or…

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