
How to Know It’s Intuition

I published this article in my biweekly newsletter and decided to share it here as well, because I get a lot of questions about how to know whether it’s your intuition steering you or your fear trying to block you. When it comes to listening to my intuition and my Core Self, I have to really stop and think. Is this true intuition? Or are my fears masquerading as intuition? Here are eight ways to…

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Intuition: Right or Wrong?

You’re trying to make a decision. You know what the options are, but not which is best for you. In the deeper part of your mind, and perhaps in your body, you feel that one option is more beneficial than the others. You know, without having to think about it, that this is the choice you need to make. But then the thoughts take over. What if you’re wrong? What if that choice doesn’t bring…

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What Is Intuition?

I talk/write quite a bit about listening to your intuition. It occurred to me that I don’t think I’ve ever really explained what I believe intuition is. One definition of intuition is “a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.” It’s a deeper knowing than conscious thought. Sometimes it’s even a *feeling* on a deep, physical and mental level rather than just a thought. All of us have…

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Book Release Channeling

Guide Book Giveaway!

If I hadn’t clicked the wrong clicky thing when I uploaded The Guide Book to Amazon, today would have been the official release day. So even though the book has been available for a few weeks now, I’m still going to celebrate today! The Guide Book is a short, easy-to-digest guide to…well, to guides. Who they are, what they are, and why they’re with us, as well as tips on how to recognize a not-helpful…

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Book Release Channeling

Be Safe Connecting With Guides

The following is an excerpt from my book The Guide Book, available on Not all beings are benevolent. I refer to the benevolent ones as beings and the malevolent ones as entities. It’s vital to know who you’re working with when you connect and channel. This is why I strongly recommend only working with a trained channel if you’re connecting by choice. A trained channel and their guide can help protect you from entities…

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Book Release Channeling

Guides: Collaborators and Friends

From the moment you’re born–and often even before that–your guides are with you. These beings of higher energetic vibration have a connection with your Core Self (what some would call a “soul-level” connection). Throughout your life, they stay with you to guide and support you, help you grow spiritually, and even protect you. Most humans are either entirely unaware of their guides or are aware but don’t have a conscious connection with them. People who…

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Book Release Channeling

Coming Soon: The Guide Book!

Earlier this year, I sat down to write a book about guides. Or, rather, I sat down to collaborate with my own guides on a book about guides. That book is complete, and will be released on September 28! The Guide Book includes information about guides and connecting with them, as well as how to know whether you’re talking to a genuine guide and ethical considerations when you work with your guides. There are introductions…

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What “Connecting With Guides” Means

One of the things I help my clients do is gain access to the higher-vibration wisdom, compassion, and support of their guides. Guides are beings of high energetic vibration who work with humans to help us in our spiritual and other growth; the work also benefits our guides as part of their spiritual growth. Our guides are always with us, but many of us aren’t aware of them. When I talk about helping clients connect…

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Meeting Your Guides

Everyone has guides. These beings of higher energetic vibration are with us from the moment of our birth, and often even in previous lifetimes. But many humans are unaware that they have guides or know they have them but aren’t able to consciously speak and work with them. I’ve been speaking and working with my guides since I was two years old, though obviously at that age I didn’t know they were guides. I thought…

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Use Your Discernment

From “The noun discernment describes a wise way of judging between things, or a particularly perceptive way of seeing things.” As humans, we judge things–and each other, unfortunately–all the time. But for some reason when it comes to receiving readings, channeled messages, etc., some of us suspend judgment and just go with whatever the practitioner says, even if it doesn’t feel right to us. Just because someone is a practitioner, and no matter how…

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