
I Wanted an Oracle Deck…

In 2006, I was getting in touch with my spiritual side and with my gifts. Through that process, I discovered oracle cards.

Oracle cards are a divination tool. Generally, each card in a deck has a specific message, which is often printed on the card; the deck includes a guidebook that expands on the cards’ messages. Oracle cards are relatively easy to work with because, while you can certainly use your intuition and observation to interpret their meanings, you can also choose to just share the messages as written.

A wide variety of oracle decks exist. The number of cards in a deck varies from deck to deck, as does the theme and the messages. Unlike Tarot, which is always 78 cards with the same names and interpretations regardless of the theme of the deck, oracle cards don’t have to fit any set guidelines.

When I first became interested in oracle cards, I bought a deck, but something about it didn’t fully resonate for me. I felt drawn to create my own deck–so I did.

The first deck used digital art images created by my mentor, who gave me his permission to use them. The images gave their titles to the cards and were partial inspiration for the messages; however, I wrote the messages from my own intuition with contributions from my guides and from a collective of beings who introduced themselves to me as the Oracle Guides.

After a year or so, my relationship with my mentor dissolved, and with it went his permission to use his images. I retained the titles, because titles can’t be copyrighted, though I changed a few of them anyway. I also retained the messages, since I had written them in collaboration with the beings I worked with. However, my dream of publishing the deck went on the back burner for quite a while.

I did use the cards online to post “card of the day,” using stock images to replace the original pictures. But I wanted my own images, particularly as time went on and I started feeling drawn once again to publish the deck.

Over the summer of 2020, I was discussing the deck with my partner, who came up with what could have been a completely obvious solution: “Take pictures at the shore where you go for walks all the time.” That was a “duh” moment for me; I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it! That weekend, I spent a few hours at the shore taking pictures for my cards.

Within a week, I had reformatted the cards with the new images, and had christened it the Seascapes Oracle. I had two decks printed, one for my own use and one to loan out for reviews eventually. While publication of the deck is in the future (I’m hoping to have the process underway by this time next year), it is now ready for me to use to offer readings to clients.

Oracle readings are now available! I base the readings both on the cards’ messages and on my own intuition, and clients can request a general reading or ask a specific question. An email reading consists of three cards; I send an email with thumbnail pictures of each of the cards and a short paragraph about each message. Real-time readings are available over Zoom or Facebook video messenger, and can consist of three or six cards. A real-time reading lasts 20-30 minutes depending on number of cards.

If you’re interested in a reading, please Contact Us, or visit the Readings page for more information!