Personal Understanding Trauma

Practitioners Do Not Have to Be “Fully Healed”

I am a trauma survivor. For me, that means throughout my life, I have experienced abuse and other things that caused long-lasting effects on my physical and mental health. I have been working for years toward healing from those experiences. But trauma is not just “dwelling on the past,” and it isn’t the same for everyone. Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional, nor have I ever been enrolled in an educational program on…

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Guides Aren’t the Boss of You

Some of the channeling clients I’ve had have been taken aback when my guide has asked them questions and have asked them to consider other points of view. They expected my guide to give them all the answers and tell them what to do, and weren’t sure how to react when that wasn’t what they got. Guides aren’t here to tell us everything. That, in fact, is the opposite of their purpose. They’re with us…

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Conscious Creation General

Honest and Authentic

Some people are genuinely positive and happy all the time. This is their natural state of being. They don’t have to put work into it; it’s simply who they are. When they talk about feeling positive emotions and thinking positive thoughts, they are speaking their truth. For many of us, though, “all positive all the time” is not who we genuinely are. We feel potentially problematic emotions like anger and fear. We think negative thoughts.…

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Conscious Creation General

“High-Vibe” Isn’t Always Positive

In talking about or teaching the concepts of energetic attraction (a/k/a manifestation or the “Law of Attraction”), people often state that in order to bring positive things into your life, you have to be positive all the time. According to them, if you think negative thoughts, feel emotions such as anger or fear, or say negative things, you’ll create negative outcomes in your life. In other words, to their way of thinking, bad things only…

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General Personal

I Don’t Know Everything

As a practitioner, I am an expert in some things. I’m an expert in Chios Energy Healing, the modality I practice. I’ve continued my studies in it and hold two certifications in it. I’m an expert in channeling, at least the channeling I do. I don’t know if I’d call myself an expert in the effects of trauma and trauma recovery, but I’ve studied quite a bit about them and know a good amount. But…

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Life Changes

“I Don’t Like It, So It’s Wrong”

In a healing journey, it’s totally fine to seek support and guidance from others. Someone who isn’t you might have a clearer view of what’s holding you back and how to progress despite the obstacles. But when you turn to others, just as it’s important to trust yourself when you feel like they’re incorrect, it’s also important to be aware of when you’re resistant to or just don’t like what they’re saying. Not liking what…

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Life Changes

Deep Inside, You Know

As we work to heal from our pasts and progress in our lives, sometimes we seek help and advice from external sources. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing this. Having someone outside ourselves telling us what they see and think can help us determine the best course for our journey. But when we’ve experienced trauma, sometimes we put other people’s words ahead of what we know within. A practitioner tells us something that feels…

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You Have the Answers

Within each of us lies a well of power. The power to determine the course of our life. The power to create the life we want. And the power to know how to make that happen. Many of us have lost touch with that inner power, especially if we’ve experienced abuse or other trauma that has led us to distrust ourselves. When you’re told over and over again that you’re powerless, it is not at…

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“We’re Guides, Not Answer-Bots”

The title of this post is a quote from my guide Shiva when I asked him to help me explain to a client why they wouldn’t just be handed all the answers during a channeling session. Although Shiva chose his phrasing to amuse me, because I was a little frustrated with myself for not being able to explain clearly to the client, he did mean what he said. Our guides are not with us to…

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Use Your Discernment

From “The noun discernment describes a wise way of judging between things, or a particularly perceptive way of seeing things.” As humans, we judge things–and each other, unfortunately–all the time. But for some reason when it comes to receiving readings, channeled messages, etc., some of us suspend judgment and just go with whatever the practitioner says, even if it doesn’t feel right to us. Just because someone is a practitioner, and no matter how…

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